Site Template -- Geneology

About Me

Artist at Large

What's New

Contact Me

Places You Should See

Slide Show


Turn and Face the Strange!

New Ideology

The site continues to grow and evolve! Negotiations with Kissaki have fallen through, so if anyone wants to host a relatively low bandwidth 18+ art site with weblog and/or audio capacities, please please let me know! If there's something you miss seeing, let me know too! Email me from the 'Contact Me!' page or leave a note in the guestbook.

The art above is a quick sketch to commemoriate my triumphant trip to Project: A-kon 13 in Dallas! I danced! A lot! Joel and I won Best Couple from Radio Wasabi, and I won Best Female Dancer from Radio Free Oz!

Photo of the Week Feature & Updated Linkage

I take photos, as do almost all of my friends. Our best will be featured here! You'll see never-before-released shots of myself and others, including prospective Draco Malfoy J. C. Smith, camera-shy Menmeth, and more!
Point and click (or point and laugh, it doesn't matter to me!) over to the 'Artist at Large' section for new art and the Photo of the Week!
Also, my list of links in 'Places...' has been updated to reflect the change in my affiliations and my findings with friends, old and new. Kate and Chrys are there, as well as Rube and several webcomics!